Hi Pack 3807 scouts and families!
We had so much fun at North Point State Park in October, so join us on Saturday, November 21st for our next socially-distanced hike at Oregon Ridge Park & Nature Center. We’ll meet at 1:00pm at the parking lot closest to the lake.
Look out for additional communication from your Den Leaders. Please RSVP with the SignUpGenius link below, so we can get a headcount for Saturday!
- What: Pack 3807 Socially-Distanced Hike
- Where: Oregon Ridge Nature Center: 13555 Beaver Dam Road Cockeysville, MD 21030
- When: Saturday, November 21, 2020 at 1:00pm meet at the parking lot closest to the lake. https://www.oregonridgenaturecenter.org/pdf/TrailMap2017.pdf
- Scouts should wear their uniform, bring their 6 essentials, and wear good sneakers/hiking shoes.
- Weather for Saturday is forecast to be in the mid 60s and sunny.
Given the situation with COVID, we are taking this very seriously, and we’ll be asking each participating parent to help us. We’ll be stopping more frequently to let the kids socialize while still requiring them to maintain social distance. If anyone has other suggestions, we welcome them. Currently, Baltimore County has capped outdoor activities at 25 participants, so it may be necessary to split into Dens while on the hike.
If you feel more comfortable hiking separately with your own scout, but you want to say hi before hitting the trail, that’s fine!
Certainly, we understand that not everyone will be comfortable with this, if you would rather have a hike with your scout on your own time and location, and share your experience with your Den at your next meeting, that’s fine too!
Lastly, if anything changes regarding COVID restrictions and we need to adjust our plan or cancel, we will let all families know as soon as possible. We are currently clearing our safety/social distancing procedures with the park.
Looking forward to seeing everyone on Saturday!
Yours in scouting,
Chris Boyle
Pack 3807 Outdoor Activities Chair